

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

91 / 92 / 93 / 94 / 95 / 9697

Wukong and his companions walked on the mountain road. The monkey watched carefully for the monster and demons.

Suddenly a demon charged toward the group.

“Stay here, everyone!” shouted Bajie. “I’ll fight this demon!”

The pig swung his rake. The demon stepped off the road and headed down the slope of the mountain. Bajie raced after the demon and was soon out of sight.

Wukong heard grunts and clashing weapons.

But he couldn’t see the fight.

A moment later the demon climbed back onto the road.

“Stay here, Wujing!” shouted Wukong.

“Protect the Tang Monk!”

The monkey charged toward the demon.

Clang! Their weapons clashed. Wukong fought with all his strength. Again the demon left the road and headed down the mountain.

Wukong chased him. The monkey and the demon disappeared down the slope of the mountain.

“Do you think Wukong can defeat that demon?” asked the Tang Monk nervously.

“Definitely,” said Wujing. “I wonder what happened to Bajie though. I hope he’s okay.”

Suddenly the demon was back.

Wujing was shocked. “How did you get past Wukong?”

Without waiting for an answer, Wujing raised his spear and attacked the demon. The two fought, kicking up dust and rocks.

Wujing struck the demon across the legs.

The demon tumbled down the mountainside.

Wujing ran after him.

The Tang Monk stood in the road. For a moment everything was quiet. Then he heard footsteps behind him.

The monk turned around and gasped.

A huge, fat monster was smiling wickedly at him.

When Wukong returned to the road, he found Bajie alone. The pig looked upset.

“Where are Master and Wujing?” asked the monkey.

Bajie scratched his head. “I don’t know. I defeated that demon and then came back here. Everyone was gone.”

“You didn’t defeat the demon,” said Wukong.

“He got past you. He came back here, and I had to fight him.”

“What!” shouted Bajie. “You’re crazy! I was fighting with the demon until just a few moments ago!”

Wukong scoffed. “Do you really expect me to believe that? I was just fighting with the demon!”

Wujing returned to the road, annoyed.

“How did that demon get past you two? He wasn’t that powerful.”

Wukong was confused. “The demon didn’t get past me. I was fighting with him until just a moment ago.”

“That’s impossible,” said Wujing. “After you chased him down the slope, he returned and—Where’s Master?”

Wukong made a fist. “How could we be so stupid? There wasn’t just one demon.

There were three! They lured us away, one by one. Then another demon—probably that fat monster—grabbed Master while we were gone.”

Bajie fumed. “You’re right!”

“That monster must have a cave nearby,” said Wujing. “Let’s find it.”

The three companions searched the mountain. They soon found a cave. Its door was shut.

“Do you think this is the monster’s cave?” asked Wujing.

“We’ll find out,” said Bajie. He raised his rake and knocked a hole in the door. Then he shouted into the hole, “Release the Tang Monk!”

A demon inside the cave shrieked and ran into a kitchen. The monster was grinding spices with a mortar and pestle.

“That pig is here!” cried the demon.

The monster kept grinding. “Who cares?

I’m only afraid of Wukong.”

“I’m here too!” shouted Wukong through the hole.

The monster dropped the mortar and pestle. “Uh-oh.”

He thought for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and shouted, “You’re too late! We already ate the Tang Monk!”
1.grunt [ɡrʌnt]  v.发出呼噜声;发出哼声;咕哝;嘟哝 n.哼声;咕哝声;嘟哝声;(尤指猪的)呼噜声;工作乏味收入低的工人;步兵;士兵;大兵
When I told her what had happened she just grunted and turned back to her book.
2.wicked [wɪkt , ˈwɪkɪd]  adj.邪恶的;缺德的;淘气的;调皮的;恶作剧的;危险的;有害的;强大的 n.恶人;邪恶的人
She described the shooting as a wicked attack...
3.fume [fjuːm] v.(对…)大为生气,十分恼火;冒烟;冒气
She sat in the car, silently fuming at the traffic jam.
4.mortar and pestle [ˈmɔːrtər ənd ˈpesl] 研钵;杵臼;钵和杵;臼杵
mortar [ˈmɔːrtər] n.灰泥;砂浆;迫击炮;迫击炮弹;研钵;臼 v.用迫击炮攻击(或袭击)
pestle [ˈpesl]  n.杵,碾槌(研磨食品工具)
同源词:piste, piston
Two common methods of extraction are grinding individual samples with mortar and pestle, and mechanical mincing.
5.grind [ɡraɪnd]  v.磨碎;碾碎;把…磨成粉;磨(粉);使锋利;磨快;磨光 n.令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作;苦差事;刺耳的摩擦声
The flour is ground using traditional methods.



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