

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

90 / 91 / 92 / 93 / 94 / 95 / 96

Bajie took a step back as a dark mist surrounded the people on the road. When the mist cleared, he saw they were really a monster and several little demons.

The monster grinned at him. “Yes, you are here for the feast, Pig. We’re going to eat you for lunch!”

“What?” Bajie raised his rake and swung as the monster approached. The demons rushed toward the pig from all sides.

“That rotten monkey lied to me!” cried Bajie. He spun around and knocked over two demons with his rake.

The monster threw a punch. Bajie blocked the punch with his rake.

“Ow!” cried the monster, rubbing his hand.

Bajie kicked a demon sneaking up behind him. “That monkey is always causing problems!” the pig muttered. He slammed the rake down on another demon. “So what if I like to eat?

Did he really have to trick me?”

The monster attacked again. Bajie thrust his rake toward him, still complaining about Wukong. “Wukong is small—he doesn’t need to eat as much as I do!”

The monster suddenly stopped fighting and looked at Bajie curiously. “You just said ’Wukong.’ Are you talking about Sun Wukong, the monkey who defeated Heaven’s entire army five hundred years ago?”

“Um, yes,” said Bajie. “Do you know him?”

“I’ve heard he’s traveling with the Tang Monk,” said the monster. “You must be traveling with the Tang Monk too.”

“Why are you interested in the monk?” asked Bajie suspiciously.

The monster licked his lips. “I’ve heard that anyone who eats the Tang Monk will live forever.”

Panicked, Bajie ran from the demons and back to his companions.

He pointed at Wukong. “You tricked me!”

The monkey was laughing. “How was the feast, Bajie?”

“Grr!” Bajie’s eyes burned with fury. He turned to the Tang Monk. “Wukong told me there was a feast up ahead. But instead it was a group of demons and a monster. They tried to eat me!”

The Tang Monk was angry. “Bajie, I thought you were going to check the mountain! Instead you went to look for a feast? You lied to me. You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Bajie hung his head. By now Wukong was rolling on the ground, laughing.

“And you, Wukong,” snapped the Tang Monk. “I should recite the Tight Headband spell to punish you!”

Instantly the monkey stopped laughing.

He jumped to his feet. “Please don’t do that!”

“You knew there were demons and a monster ahead,” said the monk. “And you didn’t say anything?”

Wujing shook his head. “You should have said something, Wukong.”

“I admit I knew about the demons and the monster,” said Wukong. “But they’re not dangerous.”

“Not dangerous?” Bajie scoffed. “They wanted to eat me! And now they are planning to eat Master!”

“Oh no!” cried the Tang Monk.

Wukong held up his hands. “Relax, Master. You have nothing to worry about.”

“We must capture the Tang Monk,” the monster said to the demons. “But we need a plan. Sun Wukong is strong. Did you know that he once defeated Heaven’s entire army?”

“Yes, we’ve heard,” said one of the demons.

Another demon hurried over. “I just spied on the travelers. The Tang Monk has three spirit companions—Sun Wukong, that pig, and a purple fellow.”

“Hmm,” said the monster. “That’s bad.”

“Not really,” said the demon. “I have a plan to lure the spirits away from the monk.”

The demon told the monster his plan.

When he was done speaking, the demon folded his arms. “What do you think?”

A big smile spread across the monster’s face. “I love it!”
1.thrust [θrʌst]  v.猛推;冲;搡;挤;塞;刺;戳 n.(论据、政策等的)要点,要旨,重点;猛推;刺;戳;插;(发动机推动飞机、火箭等的)推力,驱动力
He thrust the baby into my arms and ran off.
2.panic [ˈpænɪk]  n.惊恐;恐慌;人心惶惶的局面;惶恐不安 v.(使)惊慌,惊慌失措
词源:希腊神话中有一个叫做潘(Pan)的牧羊神。他是掌管山林、田园和羊群的神。他长相奇特,上半身是人,下半身是羊,头顶还长着羊角。他和其它的森林之神及仙女在山林之间闲游,过着逍遥自在、无拘无束的生活。因此,英语习语a freedom of Pan表示“无拘无束、逍遥自在”的意思。
潘有一种奇特的本领,就是吓唬人。他常常躲在隐蔽处,蓦地跳出,用丑陋地面目把旅行者吓得魂不附体。他还会发出怪异的叫声,令人感到毛骨悚然,胆战心惊。这种恐惧感就称为“潘神之惧”(Panic fear)。传说希波战争中,希腊人在马拉松战役中取得胜利就是因为潘神把波斯军队吓得惶恐而逃的。
They were in a state of panic.
3.scoff [skɑːf]  v.嘲笑;讥讽;贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽
scoffer 嘲笑者
Don't scoff─she's absolutely right.
4.lure [lʊr]  v.劝诱;引诱;诱惑  n.吸引力;诱惑力;魅力;鱼饵;诱饵
The child was lured into a car but managed to escape.



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